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Friday, November 29, 2013

What you should know about diabetes Part 2

Diabetes symptoms include fatigue, frequent urination, constant hunger, excessive thirst, blurry vision, tingling or numbness in hands and feet, and slow wound healing. Diabetics have an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, amputation, sexual dysfunction, and nerve problems.

Prevention is the key!
There is much you can do to prevent and even reverse diabetes. Recent research shows that an anti-diabetic diet is not only good for diabetics, but also for anyone. (So start now!) Take a look at the risk factors above and see what you have control over: exercise, diet, and your weight—make changes here.

  • Eat smarter: Avoid all white foods (such as white bread, white rice.) Focus on a plant-based diet and include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Beans and other good proteins help support a healthy blood sugar. Avoid sugary drinks (especially soda) and all desserts other than fresh fruit. Fiber is another great way to control blood sugar, make sure to eat plenty of high fiber foods.

  • Lose weight: Being overweight can definitely raise your risk of type-2 diabetes. As always, choose a weight-loss program that offers tons of support and helps you maintain your lean body mass.

To me, type-2 diabetes is the disease that shouldn’t be. It is the most preventable major disease we have and there is no way 1 out of every 3 of us should be setting ourselves up for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, loss of eyesight, and amputations that this disease will potentially cause! Yes, it will take effort on your part to make the changes outlined above, but those changes have far-reaching effects on your overall health. So, make a commitment and get started today.

If you want help getting started, there are National Diabetes Prevention Programs all over the country that will help you learn how to eat more healthfully and begin a reasonable exercise routine. You can even attend a program if there is one in your area: recognized programs.

Info thanks to Shaklee Health Wise Blog 

Have a healthy and productive holiday weekend! 


Shaklee, helping prevent diabetes and other diseases since 1957! 

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

What you should know about diabetes Part 1

Tom Hanks recently joined Paula Deen and Sherri Sheppard in announcing that he too has type 2 diabetes. Since November is Diabetes Awareness Month, I think it is a good time for us all to take a look at our diet and exercise routine and see if we are doing our best to avoid this all-too-common (and preventable) disease.
With 26 million children and adults diagnosed with diabetes and close to 80 million with pre-diabetes (that is almost 1/3 of all people in the United States) it is easy to think that this disease is unstoppable. But this is absolutely not true; in fact, type 2 diabetes is 100 percent preventable. Look at Sherri Sheppard; she now credits type2 diabetes with saving her life.

In her new book (How to Lose Weight and Beat Diabetes), Sherri tells how when she was diagnosed her doctor was blunt about her high blood sugar. She said, “Sherri, you love wearing those shoes, don’t you?” Sherri said, “Yes, I do.” Her doctor then said, “You won’t be wearing them with your foot cut off, because if you keep eating the way you are eating, that’s where you’re headed.” Sherri is now eating healthier, exercising, has lost a significant amount of weight, and feels better than she has in a long time.
What is diabetes? 

Diabetes can be defined as having abnormally high blood sugar because the body either does not produce enough insulin (a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar), or because the cells of the body do not respond properly to insulin (or both).
There are two types of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes typically occurs in young people, although it can occur in later life (up to around 40 years old) and is a condition where the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas stop producing insulin. The destruction of the insulin-producing cells is thought to be an autoimmune reaction. Type 1 diabetes accounts for about 10 percent of diabetics; type I diabetics will always require insulin.

Type 2 diabetes can happen at any age, although until very recently was quite rare under the age of 40. It develops first as insulin resistance in the cells of the body—meaning that the cells have a difficult time utilizing glucose from the foods you eat. This occurs as a result of eating a high-fat, high-sugar diet and becoming overweight or obese. If untreated, blood sugar levels will continue to climb until you are diagnosed with diabetes.

One of the biggest concerns with diabetes is that it is a silent disease in its early stages. Some estimates suggest that up to 1/3 of people with diabetes are not aware that they have it.  

You may be at risk for type 2 diabetes if you:
• Are overweight or obese
• Don’t exercise regularly
• Have high cholesterol or high blood pressure
• Are Latino, African American, American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian American, or Pacific Islander
  Have a parent or sibling with diabetes

Info thanks to Shaklee Health Wise Blog 

Tomorrow-Part 2

Have a healthy and productive holiday weekend! 


Shaklee, helping prevent diabetes and other diseases since 1957! 
See this difference at  

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Daily Serving of Nuts May Help You Live Longer

Many of us have been told to limit nut consumption because of the high fat content, but now a study from Harvard indicates that eating nuts may actually help people live longer. The study’s results, which were published in the November 21 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, stretched from the 1980s until 2010 and analyzed data from 76,000 women and 42,000 men.

Researchers found that those people who ate 1 ounce (28 grams) of nuts daily, seven days a week, were 20 percent less likely to die over a 30-year period compared with those who did not eat nuts. They were also 29 percent less likely to die of heart disease, 11 percent less likely to die from cancer, and 24 percent less likely to die from respiratory disease. Eating nuts was also connected to a reduced risk of death: people who ate nuts daily were 20 percent less likely to die than those who never ate nuts.
Nuts are nutritional powerhouses, rich in minerals, vitamins, protein, unsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants. Past studies have shown that nuts improve blood vessel function, blood sugar control, and may help with losing weight – all factors that contribute to better cardiovascular health. They can reduce the risk of colon cancer, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. That being said, not all nuts are created equally. It’s a good idea to avoid fried, salted, or sweetened nuts and stick with the plain, unsalted variety.

Almonds: These are an excellent source of antioxidant Vitamin E. 

Walnuts: These contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids that may protect against irregular heart rhythms.

Pecans: They are higher in fat than other nuts, but contain important B-complex vitamins.

Macadamia nuts: They have lots of Vitamin E and selenium.

Pine nuts: They contain lutein, monosaturated fats, and vitamins A, C, and D.

Hazelnuts (filberts): These are rich in magnesium, which keeps the heart from overexerting itself, unsaturated fats, and vitamin E. 

Peanuts: While they’re not officially nuts, their nutritional properties make them part of the nut family. These are rich in potassium, protein, and vitamin B. 

Brazil nuts: While these contain mostly unsaturated fat, they do have the highest amount of saturated fat among the other nuts. They’re also provide selenium, magnesium, and copper.

Pistachios: These contain vitamin E, oleic avid, and many healthy minerals and antioxidants.

The study was paid for by the National Institutes of Health and the International Tree Nut Council Nutrition Research & Education Foundation, but the Council had no say in how the study was done or how its results were eventually reported.
The study relied on self-reported information from the participants, and does not prove that nuts caused the participants to live longer. While the researchers did account for several factors that may impact a person's longevity, such as weight and vegetable consumption, there may be other confounding variables.
The good news is now you don’t need to avoid the holiday nut plate – just choose wisely.

Article thanks to TreeHugger

Have a nutty and productive day! :) 


Give the gift of good health for Christmas: 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Have A Healthy Thanksgiving!

While "Healthy Thanksgiving" doesn't quite have the appeal of the more familiar "Happy Thanksgiving" greeting, I used it here to make the point that Thanksgiving dinner (and many other holiday meals) doesn't have to be an unhealthy affair.

After all, there is a lot to like about the ingredients in Thanksgiving dinner.  Turkey can be a healthy, low- fat meat, if prepared correctly.  Sweet potatoes, yams, winter squash and pumpkin are all loaded with vitamin A and other important nutrients.  And cranberries are a nutrition powerhouse.

Healthy Thanksgiving

Here are some tips to make your Thanksgiving meal one that contributes to your health:

1) Skip the basting.  Choose a plain bird and cook in a bag to seal in the moisture.  Remove the skin before serving.

2) Refrigerate the turkey juices and skim off the hardened fat before making gravy and use a gravy cup that pours from the bottom to minimize fat.

3) Use ingredients like whole wheat bread, vegetables, fruits (cranberries, raisins, dates or apples), nuts and your favorite spices for the stuffing and bake it in the oven rather than in the turkey.

4) Serve your sweet potatoes or yams baked rather than candied and let your guests add butter to taste.

5) Use skim milk or buttermilk rather than whole milk and skip the butter for your mashed potatoes.

6) Give your meal gourmet appeal by cooking your green vegetables with garlic, nuts and herbs rather than creamy or fat-laden sauces.

7) Don't serve the meal on your largest plates. By using smaller plates you ensure smaller portion size and even that second helping isn't quite so damaging.

8) Use the Shaklee 180 meal replacement products for one or more meals the day before and/or after Thanksgiving so that your total caloric intake over the three day period is not excessive.

By now you have the idea.  There are lots of little things that you can do to make your Thanksgiving dinner one that your waist and your heart will thank you for. Bon Appetit and have a Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving!

The Bottom Line

If you make healthy food choices and choose your portion sizes wisely, you can make this a healthy Thanksgiving as well as a Happy Thanksgiving.

Info thanks to Dr. Stephen Chaney

Have a healthy and productive Thanksgiving week! 


Shaklee 180-Helping me maintain my 40 pounds of weight loss naturally!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Are You Vitamin D Deficient?

Probably … if you live anywhere north of a line that links Atlanta to LA or your skin is any shade darker than a notepad!

Season variations in vitamin D status are well documented in released studies. A recent College of California-Irvine and Mayo Facility research with 3.44 million blood samples of discovered that serum vitamin D levels are greatest in August and most affordable in February. From November through March, the absence of UVB rays in the Northern Hemisphere implies we cannot produce vitamin D from sun exposure to our skin.
“If you live north of a line that connects Atlanta to L.a, you essentially cannot make any vitamin D in your skin from November through March,” states Michael Holick, Ph.D., M.D., Teacher of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, and among the world’s foremost authorities on vitamin D.

Vitamin D improves calcium to keep bone wellness, but hundreds of other published researches reveal that vitamin D might assist avoid autoimmune diseases like type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. The nutrient could likewise play a duty in preventing particular types of cancer and state of mind disorders, and is linked to improved muscle strength and athletic efficiency and may play a function in weight management.

“Vitamin D is known to assist regulate– straight or indirectly-some 2,000 genes that manage everything from immunity, programmed cell death as well as appetite regulation,” explains Holick. “If you’ve receptors for D in practically all your cells and tissues, there’s a reason. Vitamin D appears to act like a surveillance mechanism for overall health.”

How Much Vitamin D is Enough?
It’s difficult to figure out how much vitamin D is required daily due to the fact that sunshine supplies the bulk our vitamin D from April-August. However, dark-skinned individuals, sunscreens, air pollution and various other factors all adversely affect the body’s ability to produce vitamin D. According to the Workplace of Dietary Supplements of the National Institutes of Wellness, the main is to get enough vitamin D with reasonable sun exposure, diet and supplements to keep an optimal blood level of a minimum of 30 nm/L of 25-hydroxyvitaminD.

The Institute of Medicine recommends 600 IU per day for adults (800 IU for those 70 and over) and a ceiling of 4,000 IU per day, The Endocrine Society’s specialist panel suggests 600-1,000 IU daily and a tolerable upper limit of 10,000 IU/day. Dr. Holick and lots of other vitamin D experts advise 2,000 IU per day. Considering that you are most likely getting less than 600 IU per day right now, try incorporating even more vitamin D-enriched foods into your diet plan to obtain at least 600 IU per day. Then, think about a vitamin D3 supplement if you live north of the 33 degrees latitude.

Vitamin D Lacking in US Diet
Vitamin D is among the hardest nutrients to satisfy your everyday requirements for due to the fact that it’s found in really couple of foods normally. Natural sources consist of cod liver oil, fatty fish, egg yolks, liver and mushrooms. Some 90-95 % of the vitamin D in the body comes from UVB rays that we transform in the skin to the nutrient. From November-March, strengthened foods and supplements end up being significantly necessary to obtain optimal amounts of vitamin D in your diet. A research from The Journal of Nutrition reported that more than 90 % of UNITED STATE adults fail to fulfill the recommended intakes from diet plan alone.

Food Sources of Vitamin D
1 Tablespoon cod liver oil, 1,360 IU
3 oz wild salmon, 800 IU
1 Tablespoon strengthened spreads, 100-200 IU
3 oz sardines, 192 IU
3 oz canned tuna, 154 IU
1 huge Eggland’s Best Egg, 120 IU
1 cup Vitamin D Fortified Soymilk, 120 IU
1 cup fortified Orange Juice (check labels for quantities), 100-130 IU
3 oz beef liver, 50 IU
1 large egg yolk, 40 IU

Vitamin D Supplements
Taking a vitamin supplement in the winter season is also a great option for many individuals. Shaklee offered a vey affordable vitamin 3# supplement for all. Here is the link to check it out:

Info thanks to Diet Nutrition Advisor

I hope you have a healthy and productive holiday season. 


Check out the Shaklee opportunity at 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Brussel Sprouts Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Brussels sprouts fall under the cruciferous category of veggies, which likewise consists of broccoli and cabbage.
Brussel sprouts are small leafy green buds resemble like mini cabbages in look. The buds are incredibly full of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which work wonders to eliminate many health difficulties. In reality, a renewed interest rates are growing about health advantages these sprouts have to offer you.

Brussel Sprouts Nutrition Facts
A brussels sprout is a little, green veggie that looks like a cabbage. Even though it’s gotten a rap to be a globally disliked veggie, brussels sprouts are full of vitamins, particularly vitamin C, and might even help avoid cancer.

Brussels sprouts are winter season crops, flourishes well in cool weather and lightweight frost conditions. Well-grown plant reaches about 90 cm tall. The sprouts are produced all across the stalk, starting from the base and moving up.

Brussel Sprouts Benefits
Brussels sprouts contain helpful nutrients that raise the body’s defenses and control diseases. Study has proven that these cruciferous veggies manage cancer cells by promoting healthy DNA, and have cleansing effects.

Our prime fiber material (over 15 % in our RDA) of Brussels sprouts lowers our cholesterol by binding with bile acids the liver produces from cholesterol for absorbing fat. Due to the fact that a number of these bile acids are coupled with fiber, the liver is confronted with producing more bile acid to absorb fat, and for that reason requires more cholesterol to do so, eventually decreasing the cholesterol quantity within our bodies.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is vital for normal development and development. The vitamins and mineral keeps your defense systems strong and assists keep the health of the skin, teeth and gums. Vitamin C secures your cells from damages too, which can minimize your risk of heart problem and cancer. A 1/2-cup serving of Brussels sprouts consists of 48.4 milligrams of vitamin C, that’s to do with HALF of exactly what men require every day and about 65 percent of exactly what women need every day.

Recent researches have actually revealed that particular compounds in Brussels sprouts block the game of sulphotransferase enzymes that can be harmful to the wellness and stability of DNA within white cell.

Glucobrassicin, a glucosinolate especially rich in Brussels sprouts, has actually been shown to fight swelling on a hereditary level as soon as changed into the molecule indole-3-carbinol. Furthermore, 1 1 / 2 cups of Brussels sprouts consist of about 430 milligrams of omega-3 crucial fatty acids that are a vital part of our body’s anti-inflammatory messaging molecules. Lastly, the insightful vitamin K found in Brussels sprouts has actually been revealed to successfully regulate our inflammatory responses.

Cancer Prevention
Glucosinolates in Brussels sprouts and their detox-activating isothiocyanates are provided to fight against as well as prevent various cancers, consisting of bladder, bust, colon, lung, prostate, and ovarian cancer.

Brussels sprouts include specific anti-oxidants compounds that provide safety perks. Preparing Brussels sprouts can leach these useful compounds in the veggie, though even cooked Brussels sprouts still provide nutritional benefits.

Cardiovascular Support
Brussels sprouts keep the isothiocyanate sulforaphane made from glucosinolates. This effective compounds not just causes anti-inflammatory activity in our heart but could also prevent as well as potentially help reverse flow system damages. By managing inflammation in the human body, Brussels sprouts can combat against the beginning of heart attacks, ischemic heart condition, and arteriosclerosis. Additionally, the lowered cholesterol pointed out earlier can also lessen the possibility of arterial clog.

Digestion and Diet
Single serving of Brussels sprouts consists of 4 grams (16 % from the RDA) of dietary fiber, which can help with food digestion, avoid constipation, preserve reduced blood sugar level levels and inspect eating way too much.

Shaklee 57 years and counting as America’s number one natural nutrition company: 

Have a healthy and productive weekend! 


Friday, November 22, 2013

Nutrients for longevity

Dr Joseph Mercola and various other professionals have actually identified some ingredients that’ll help you live a healthier, longer life. We highlight six of the best: 
• Vitamin D In one study of more than 2 000 ladies, those with higher vitamin D levels were discovered to have fewer aging-related changes in their DNA, in addition to decreased inflammatory feedbacks. Women with higher levels of vitamin D are more likely to have longer telomeres, which means they could mature more gradually. 

• Co-Enzyme Q10 Used by every cell in your body, Co-Enzyme Q10 is important for your body’s daily function. It’s called “ubiquinone” since it’s “common” in the human body. If you are under 25 years of age, your body is capable of changing CoQ10. However, if you are older, your body ends up being more challenged to convert the oxidised CoQ10 to ubiquinol. 

• Krill oil According to a professional on omega-3 fats, Dr William Harris, these fats appear to play a role in activating telomerase, to reverse telomere reducing. Krill oil also has a variety of advantages not discovered in various other omega-3 supplements, as it contains normally happening astaxanthin, which makes it almost 200 times more resistant to oxidative damages compared to fish oil. 

• -Magnesium According to study, magnesium plays a crucial role in DNA duplication and repair work, and RNA synthesis. Dietary magnesium has been shown to positively correlate with enhanced telomere length in females. Inadequate amounts of magnesium also lower your body’s ability to fix damaged DNA. 

• -Polyphenols These are a variety of powerful antioxidant substances in plant foods. Grapes consist of resveratrol, which deeply passes through the center of your cell’s nucleus, providing your DNA time to repair complimentary radical damages. Cacao is another potent antioxidant and has actually been discovered to benefit your sugar metabolism, blood pressure and cardio wellness. The polyphenols in green tea are focused, meanings you are consuming a relatively powerful option in each cup. 

• Folate or vitamin B9 According to a research in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry and biology, folate plays an important function in the maintenance of DNA stability and DNA methylation, both of which impact the length of your telomeres. It serves for preventing depression, seizure conditions and brain atrophy. Folate deficiency can lead to raised homocysteine levels, which can be a major factor to heart problem and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Shaklee can help with these natural supplements:

Have a healthy and productive weekend!


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Antioxidant Benefits of Blueberries

Packed with vitamin C, manganese and nutritional fiber, blueberries are a dietary giant. On top of that, they include potent antioxidants called polyphenols, which are responsible for its color in addition to its results. Proof recommends that polyphenols discovered in blueberries can offer a wide range of health perks.

Combat Obesity and Diabetes

Antioxidants found in blueberries might help fight excessive weight and lower the danger for diabetic issues, according to lead author E. Mitchell Seymour and fellow researchers from the University of Michigan. They found that rats following a low- or high-fat diet plan with blueberry beverages for 90 days experienced lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides, less belly fat and increased the hormone insulin level of sensitivity compared to rats following the same diets without blueberry drinks. The research connected these lead to naturally taking place antioxidants discovered in blueberries, which modify genes related to fat-burning and glucose uptake by cells, according to the Science Daily internet site.

Improve Cognitive Performance
Researchers from the College of Patras in Greece examined the impacts of polyphenol-rich blueberry extract on cognitive performance and brain antioxidant markers in mice. Subjects were given blueberry remove for 7 days and done learning and memory tests. At the end of the study, which was published in the March 2009 concern of the journal ‘Behavioral Brain Research,’ researchers observed that subjects experienced enhancements in both discovering and memory. On top of that, analysts also discovered that polyphenols found in blueberry remove raised antioxidant levels in the brain, which may discuss the results of the study.

Protect Versus Intestinal Inflammation
Polyphenols discovered in blueberries might combat intestinal disease such as ulcerative colitis, particularly when incorporated with probotics, according to lead author Camilla Branning and colleagues from the Lund College Faculty of Engineering in Sweden. They found that blueberries can minimize and secure against intestinal tract inflammation. Additionally, incorporating blueberries with probotics improves this safety effect, according to the Science Daily site.

Info thanks to Diet Nutrition Advisor

Have a healthy and productive day!


Shaklee, creating healthier lives since 1957. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kick the soda habit for better health

When I was growing up, soda was considered a special treat that we got a couple of times a year when the family went out to the local drive-in to have a hamburger and French fries. Yes, I am dating myself, but think about it—not THAT long ago, sodas were consumed a few times per year! Today, it is estimated that up to 70 percent of kids rarely drink water—instead they drink mostly sodas, juice, and milk. If you are the type of person who would rather drink soda than coffee, or if you can’t remember the last time you had a glass of water, take a moment to consider how soda consumption can adversely affect your health and steps you can take to stop drinking soda:

Increased tooth decay: Drinking soda is associated with poor dental health because the acidic nature of soda erodes tooth enamel—which is the hardest substance in your body! The sugar in sodas also causes plaque formation that leads to cavities and gum disease. Diet soda is no better as it seems to harm your teeth just as much as its sugary cousin because of the citric and phosphoric acid that is in all sodas.

Combination of harmful ingredients: While you might think it is the sugar that causes problems with soda drinking (and it does), other ingredients (acids, caffeine, phosphorus, etc.) can also cause health problems.

Weight gain: The single biggest source of calories for Americans is soda. Soda contains empty calories that you simply don’t need in your diet. A recent study in children showed that each additional 12-ounce soda consumed per day increased the odds of becoming obese by 60 percent. You might think that diet soda is a good bet, but recent research has shown that even diet soda could be making you fat.

Weaker bones: Soda has long been associated with osteoporosis in the elderly, but a study of teenage girls discovered that there was a three- to four-time increase in risk for bone fracture for girls who consumed soda than those who didn’t.

Too much of a not-so-good thing: In the 1950s, soda came in 6.5 ounce bottles. The 12-ounce can made its debut in the 1960s, and (not to be outdone) the 20-ounce plastic bottle became the norm in the 1990s. Today the 42-ounce (477 calories) bottle is gaining in popularity. Super-sizing of this source of empty calories has steadily occurred over the past 50 years, contributing to obesity, poor dental health, osteoporosis and more.

I could go on about the health disaster that is soda, but let me just say this: Kicking the soda habit could very well be one of the most important things you can do for your health. There are NO nutritional benefits to drinking sugary or sugar-free sodas—only harm.

So, if you are thirsty, I recommend trying these non-soda thirst quenchers instead:

• Infused water (spa water)

• Sparkling water with a twist of lemon or lime

• Herbal sun tea

• Low-sodium broth or miso

Do you have a favorite healthier soda alternative that I forgot to mention? Post it in the comments section below.

Thanks and have a healthy and productive day!


Shaklee, in harmony with planet Earth since 1957 
Info thanks to Shaklee Health Wise Blog

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Best Supplements for Your Bone Health

Strong bones, bone density, ideal bone mass, bone growth, and bone renewal are all topics crucial to the quality of your wellness.

Bone Health Supplements
Everyone appears to be on the lookout for the best supplement to take care of their joint and bone health. Yet, there really is nobody supplement that can be able to take care from all of it. Instead, a blend of the right supplements might help enhance bones and joints while helping to relieve those aches and discomforts.
Installments of severe loss result in osteoporosis, that’s particularly usual in older women. Certain health conditions can likewise affect bone density. While supplements can be able to not entirely reverse bone loss, medical professionals do advise taking certain supplements to help regrow bone to some extent.
Check with your doctor before supplementing with any kind of vitamin, mineral or natural herb. Preferably, you’ve to intend to get the bulk of recommended vitamins and minerals from diet plan.

This may be the most obvious of them all, but calcium is important to wellness bone development and life. The suggested day-to-day value for calcium reaches least 1000 mg getting excessive calcium is not really something to bother with because the body will just secrete anything it can not use.

Vitamin K
Your bones need vitamin K to produce proteins necessary for regrowth and aid in binding calcium towards the bone. You can be able to typically get the necessary quantity with your diet, rich sources include spinach, broccoli, cabbage and low-fat milk. If you do not or can not consume these sorts of foods, supplementing with 150 to 500mcg everyday. Use vitamin K supplements with care for anti-coagulant medicines, vitamin K works in direct opposition by promoting blood clotting. Talk to your doctor initially.

Vitamin D
The sun is our primary supply of vitamin D, but most women do not get enough of the nutrient and this spells not so great news for bones, as vitamin D assists the body take in calcium. Look into the label to be sure you are getting vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), most likely the most active form.

Glucosamine is a supplement that’s naturally found in the wellness cartilage of bone. It’s actually been revealed that supplementation with glucosamine will help ease joint pain, reinforce bones, and keep your bones healthy. The advised day-to-day consumption to have an adult woman is around 1,200 mg per day. You’ll find this at most any drug or supermarket.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Research has actually revealed that omega-3 fatty acids may advertise bone regeneration. Demonstrated actions consist of increasing calcium absorption and individually promoting bone growth. Recommended dose is all about 4,000 mg daily, higher than the daily dosage usually recommended for general use, seek advice from your physician prior to using fish oil or various other necessary fatty acid supplements, specifically if you take blood-thinning medicines.

Shaklee offers all these supplements to promote bone health!
Check it out at 

Have a healthy and productive week!


Monday, November 18, 2013

Prevent Colds and Flus Before They Happen!


Every day our bodies are under attack by pathogens and dangerous microbes that infest our surroundings with an unseen, unfelt, yet undeniable health threat. Our body’s built-in immune system protects us whenever possible, but it’s under constant attack from poor nutrition, stress, pollution, and fatigue.


NutriFeron is a powerful breakthrough in immune system science. It is a patented, clinically proven blend of immune-strengthening plant extracts. For daily use, it increases the production of your body’s natural interferon, a critical activator of the immune system. NutriFeron works at the cellular level in two ways: *

• Rapidly activates your immune system’s defenses* Mobilizes the immune system’s “search-and-destroy” teams *


• NutriFeron is the only immunity supplement formulated by the discoverer of natural
interferon, after an exhaustive review of 200 natural compounds.
Patented, clinically proven formula
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• Available exclusively through Shaklee, NutriFeron is a powerfully effective supplement
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• Everyone over twelve years of age whose busy, stressful lifestyles place their immune
systems under constant attack
Those who want to be proactive in optimizing their immune response against environmental irritants and airborne pollutants

The recommended serving of NutriFeron is two caplets daily. If pregnant or nursing, please ask a health care professional.


• Preliminary laboratory studies suggest that in as little as three days, NutriFeron can
unleash the full potential of the immune system.

Ushiroyama T,Yoshida S,Tadaki K, Ikeda A, Ueki M. Clinical efficacy of EH0202, a Kampo formula, on the health of middle-aged women. Am J Chin Med. 2004;32(5):755-70.

Ushiroyama T,Yoshida S,Tadaki K, Ikeda A, Ueki M. A pilot study of a Kampo formula, EH0202, with intriguing results for menopausal symptoms. J Altern Complement Med. 2004 Apr;10 (2):397-9.

Kaji K, Yoshida S, Nagata N, Yamashita T, Mizukoshi E, Honda M, Kojima Y, Kaneko S. An open-label study of administration of EH0202, a health-food additive, to patients with chronic hepatitis C. J Gastroenterol. 2004 Sep;39(9):873-8.

Kubo M, Hashimoto Y, Yoshida S.The effect of health food containing EH0202 on physical and mental symptoms accompanying menstruation in women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Clin Pharm Ther. 2004;14(2):129-142.

Have a healthy and productive week, and stay ahead of the cold and flu season with shaklee!


Shaklee’s other great products! 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Supporting Those With Breast Cancer

I thought this blog from the Shaklee Health Wise Blog would be fitting! My cousin conquered beast cancer and I’m proud of her for being strong and diligent though it all! 

When women get breast cancer they become the focus of attention (as it should be), but what gets less attention is how their loved ones’ lives are turned upside down with this diagnosis. The difficulty for any caregiver is how to be truly helpful to someone who is dealing with breast cancer.

Some of us have a tendency to want to look for solutions and fix things (which is a good trait), but for many cancer is beyond their knowledge which can leave them feeling inadequate and unsure how to help. Supporting someone you love who is going through any serious disease can be a challenging and confusing time, so let’s look at specific suggestions of how to best support someone with breast cancer.

It should be noted here that men can develop breast cancer, but the numbers are very low. The lifetime risk for men is one-tenth of one percent (or about 1 percent of all breast cancers). Men should check their breasts for lumps, just as women should.
How to best support someone with breast cancer:

Change: The first thing to understand about a diagnosis of cancer is that things are going to change. Women are faced with thoughts of their own mortality and this alone can bring about dramatic change. There may be changes in which foods she wants to eat, how much rest she needs, how much work she can get done around the house, and how she feels about herself, especially sexually. Women may fear how you will view them if they need to have a mastectomy, so it is helpful to tell her that you care for her as a person and want her to make the right decisions for her future health.

Emotions: Every woman will react differently to her diagnosis. Some are fearful, some angry, some sad. The most likely scenario is that a woman will experience all of these emotions over the course of dealing with this disease. As a caregiver it is important to understand the variety of emotions and to try to not take any of them personally. Find ways to remind her of your love and caring, that you are trying to understand and are there for her in whatever way she needs.

Decisions: There can be lots of decisions one has to make when diagnosed with cancer, or any serious disease; from choosing the right specialists, to what procedures to have done, to which medications to take. Choosing the best course is a major source of anxiety in women with breast cancer. It is best to start early with a discussion of how you are going to make these decisions and what role you as the caregiver can provide. Your job is not to be a medical expert, but to listen and to share thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Help her weigh the choices, but let her make the decision. Ultimately, the most important thing is to support whatever decision she makes.

Advocate: One of the great ways to support someone going through breast cancer is to go with her to every appointment. It helps to have someone else in the room to hear, take notes, and ask questions. You can also function as an advocate helping her get what she needs

Being a good caregiver is definitely a learning process. Don’t expect to always “get it right” and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Most breast cancer specialists will have an array of various specialists of different types whom you can call or make appointments with. It may be helpful to remind your loved one about reaching out to family members or other trusted confidantes, including spiritual advisors to help navigate difficult times. While you are not the only support, you are an important one—so take care of yourself too!

Have a healthy and productive day! 


Shaklee, 57 years of natural prevention: 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

When Is GMO Not GMO? Part 3

Genetically Modified Foods And The Environment

Now that I have managed to alienate almost everyone, I should point out that there are some non-health issues around GMO foods. The biggest issue is that many of the genetically modified foods contain modifications that make them resistant to herbicides, and that encourages overuse of those herbicides with the resultant pollution of air, soil, and water.

Another concern is that the increasing reliance on genetically modified food crops is leading to a decrease in the genetic diversity of those crops, which could make them more susceptible to a new virus or pest in the future. This is a theoretical concern, but there is historical precedence for believing that it could happen.

Finally, laws that prevent subsistent farmers from saving their own seed for next season's planting is a major concern in Third World countries. But, that is more an issue of corporate greed than it is of genetic modification.

The Bottom Line:

What is the take-home lesson for you?

From a health perspective:

• Genetically modified proteins are likely to be a food allergy risk for some people, but we have no good data on how many people are affected by this kind of food allergy

• Genetically modified DNA is a theoretical concern because of the ability of intestinal bacteria to pick up pieces of DNA, but we have no evidence at present that this has actually ever caused a problem in people.

• With respect to sugars, oils, and other nutrients extracted from foods it makes no difference whether the food was GMO or non-GMO

From an environmental perspective:

• Genetic modifications leading to herbicide resistance are a significant environmental concern because it encourages overuse of herbicides.

• Lack of genetic diversity from the overuse of GMO food crops is a theoretical concern, but one with historical precedence.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Source: Dr Stephan Chaney 

Shaklee 180 smoothies contain non-GMO Soy! Awesome! 
Check out Shaklee 180 and all the other natural products are 

Have a healthy and productive day! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

When Is GMO Not GMO? Part 2

Protein Modifications and Health Risks

A more likely risk comes from the proteins contained in genetically modified foods:

• Genetic modifications in the DNA result in the production of modified proteins, so GMO foods, GMO protein powders and foods made from GMO protein sources can be a source of unsuspected food allergies.

• Unfortunately, food allergies, especially those from genetically modified protein sources, are very difficult to quantify, so we have no good data on how big a problem this actually is.

However, it would be very surprising if there weren't some individuals with food allergies to genetically modified proteins.

When Is GMO Not GMO?

Many of the GMO opponents take it one step further and want to label as GMO any food or supplement that contains any ingredient made from a genetically modified food. This is where the science is clearly on the other side of the aisle. With respect to purified sugars, purified oils, vitamins and other purified nutrients obtained from foods there is no difference between GMO and non-GMO because these purified nutrients contain neither DNA nor protein.

Should GMO Labeling Be Required For All Food Ingredients?

For the most part, it isn’t even possible for most manufacturers to produce foods or supplements with all non-GMO ingredients. When the whole GMO issue first entered public awareness the food industry was guided by the science. It made good business sense for them to create a capacity, a pipeline if you will, to make sure that non-GMO protein sources were available to meet the market demand for companies that wanted to make non-GMO protein products for this new GMO-adverse market.

But, nobody anticipated the emotional demand for non-GMO sugars, oils and the like. There was no scientific basis for that demand, so none of the suppliers created the capacity to meet that demand. Currently there is only enough of those kinds of non-GMO ingredients to meet the needs of the bit players in the market. There simply aren't enough of those ingredients to satisfy the requirements of any manufacturer who deals in the mass market. That, for example, is the reason big players in the market lobbied against the recent California and Washington State propositions that would have required a food product to be labeled GMO if any ingredient in the food was GMO.

Tomorrow Part 3

Source: Dr Stephan Chaney 

Shaklee 180 smoothies contain non-GMO Soy! Awesome! 
Check out Shaklee 180 and all the other natural products are 

Have a healthy and productive day! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

When Is GMO Not GMO? Part 1

You see, the GMO controversy is very much like Washington politics. On one side of the aisle, you have the people who are absolutely convinced that anything GMO is terrible. On the other side of the aisle, you have people who are absolutely convinced that there are no problems with GMO foods. And both sides are convinced that their opponents have absolutely nothing of intelligence to say on the topic.

So almost anything I say about GMO is bound to offend somebody. But nobody ever accused me of being timid, so let's get started.

What Are The Health Risks Of Genetically Modified Foods?
I'm going to start with the supposed health risks of GMO foods because that's my area of greatest expertise, and I'm going to evaluate those health risks from the viewpoint of a card-carrying biochemist. I’ve seen the scary pictures and alarming statements posted on many anti-GMO web sites, but objective evidence that genetically modified foods are harmful to humans is underwhelming at present.
DNA Modifications and Health Risks

Let's start at the beginning. Genetic modification occurs in the DNA, and on that basis GMO foods have some potential, but yet unproven, risks. Let me give you an example:

• Some genetically modified foods carry genes for naturally occurring pesticides so that if bugs try to eat the leaves of those plants they will die.

• When we eat foods occasionally small pieces of their DNA will find their way into our intestinal track.

• We have bacteria in our intestinal tracts that excel at picking up small pieces of DNA and inserting them into their genome.

• So it is theoretically possible that those bacteria might start producing in our intestines the same pesticides produced by the genetically modified foods we ate.

It is an interesting idea, but to my knowledge one that has not yet been shown to have actually occurred in a human being.

Tomorrow Part 2

Source: Dr Stephan Chaney 

Shaklee 180 smoothies contain non-GMO Soy! Awesome! 
Check out Shaklee 180 and all the other natural products are 

Have a healthy and productive day!